ADL'95 Call for Papers
A Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital
Libraries (ADL'95)
Monday-Friday, May 15-19, 1995
McClean, VA
Sponsored By: NASA-GSFC
In cooperation with: ACM (pending approval), ARPA, IEEE
Computer Society (pending approval), NIST-CAIT
NSF, Purdue University, Rutgers-CIMIC and UMBC
Coporate support from: ATT and Bellcore
Honorary chair: Michael R. Nelson, Special Asst., Information Technology,
Executive Office of The President, The White House
General chair: Milton Halem, NASA-GSFC
Steering committee (Partial List): A. Aho, Bellcore;
D. Atkins, Univ. of Michigan;
L. Holcomb, NASA; J. Ullman, Stanford Univ.
Program co-chairs: Nabil R. Adam, Rutgers Univ.; Bharat Bhargava, Purdue Univ.;
Yelena Yesha, UMBC/NASA
Program committee (Partial List): Sally Howe, NIH;
Paris Kanellakis, Brown Univ.;
Michael Lesk, Bellcore;
J. Schwartz, NYU; Harold Stone, NEC; H. Wactlar, CMU
European coordinator: Erich Neuhold, GMD-IPSI, Germany
Publicity chair: Elke Rundensteiner, University of Michigan
Exhibit chair: Susan Hobon, NASA-GSFC
This forum is intended to bring together researchers from universities,
industry and government to discuss evolving research issues and applications
in digital libraries. Invited speakers will share their experiences in
building and using prototype systems, present their vision for the future,
and address applied and theoretical research related to such areas
as: capturing, and organizing of data, management of heterogeneous databases
and knowledge bases, and effective use of multimedia databases and knowledge
bases available on various national and international networks.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Searching Indexing
- Resource Discovery
- Scalability
- Standards
- Compression
- Browsing
- Information Representation
- Interoperability
- Knowledge Discovery
- Intelligent Agents
The forum will feature keynote addresses, invited talks, regular sessions,
and panel discussions. In addition, several follow-up workshops will be held
in conjunction with the forum on May 18 and 19
Authors interested in participating in the forum are invited to electronically
submit a 8-10 page paper/1-2 page panel proposal by January 23, 1995 to only
one of the three program co-chairs.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by March 24, 1995.
A co-edited book that will be published by Springer Verlag as part of its
Lecture Notes Series in Computer Science and special issue of a journal
are planned.