Proceedings of
Digital Libraries '94
The First Annual Conference on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
June 19-21, 1994 - College Station, Texas, USA
Search Proceedings
Intellectual Realities and the Digital Library
Francis Miksa and Philip Doty
ELVYN--Publisher and Library Working Towards the Electronic Distribution and Use of Journals
Cliff McKnight, Jack Meadows, David Pullinger, and Fytton Rowland
Research Agenda for the Intelligent Digital Library
Elizabeth D. Liddy, Michael B. Eisenberg, Charles R. McClure, Kim Mills, Susan
Mernit, and James D. Luckett
Digital Library Infrastructure for a University Engineering Community
Bruce Schatz, Ann Bishop, William Mischo, and Joseph Hardin
A Patterned Injury Digital Library for Collaborative Forensic Medicine
David Stotts, John Smith, Prasun Dewan, Kevin Jeffay, F. Donalson Smith, Dana
Smith, Steven Weiss, James Coggins, and William Oliver
Intelligent Data Retrieval from Raster Images of Documents
Sargur N. Srihari, Stephen W. Lam, Jonathan J. Hull, Rohini K. Srihari, and Venugopal Govindaraju
Compressing the Digital Library
Timothy C. Bell, Alistair Moffat, and Ian H. Witten
The Digital Video Library System: Vision and Design
Susan Gauch, Ron Aust, Joe Evans, John Gauch, Gary Minden, Doug Niehaus, and James Roberts
The University of Michigan Digital Library: This is Not Your Father's Library
William P. Birmingham, Karen M. Drabenstott, Carolyn O. Frost, Amy J. Warner, and Katherine Willis
Knowledge-Based Access to Heterogeneous Information Sources
Richard M. Tong and David H. Holtzman
The JANUS Digital Library
Kathleen McKeown, David Millman, Brian Donnelly, James Hoover, Robert McClintock, Willem Scholten, Dimitris Anastassiou, Shih-Fu Chang, Alan Croswell, Mukesh Dalal, Steven Feiner, Paul Kantor, Judith Klavans, and Mischa Schwartz
QUEST--Query Environment for Science Teaching
Ben Shneiderman, Azriel Rosenfeld, Gary Marchionini, William G. Holliday, Glenn
Ricart, Christos Faloutsos, and Judith P. Dick
Large-Scale Persistent Object Systems for Corpus Linguistics and Information Retrieval
Robert P. Futrelle and Xiaolan Zhang
Access to Large Digital Libraries of Scientific Information Across Networks
José-Marie Griffiths and Kimberly K. Kertis
Navigating and Searching in Hierarchical Digital Library Catalogs
Robert B. Allen
Digital Library: Gross Structure and Requirements (Report from a March 1994 Workshop)
Henry M. Gladney, Edward A. Fox, Zahid Ahmed, Ron Ashany, Nicholas J. Belkin, Michael Lesk, Richard Tong, and Maria Zemankova
The CoLib Project--Enabling Digital Botany for the 21st Century
John L. Schnase, John J. Leggett, Edward S. Metcalfe, Nancy R. Morin, Edward L.
Cunnius, Jonathan S. Turner, Richard K. Furuta, Leland Ellis, Michael S. Pilant, Richard E. Ewing, Scott W. Hassan, and Mark E. Frisse
Turning Information into Knowledge: Information Finding as a Collaborative Activity
Kate Ehrlich and Debra Cash
Putting Digital Libraries to Work: Issues from Experience with Community Memories
Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman III, and Raymond J. McCall
The Harvard Self-Enriching Library Facilities (SELF) Project
Gary King, H. T. Kung, Barbara Grosz, Sidney Verba, Dale Flecker, and Brian
Defining and Using Structure in Digital Documents
Richard Furuta
Digital Library Design for Usability
Rob Kling and Margaret Elliott
An Architecture and Operation Model for a Spatial Digital Library
Charles Kacmar, Susan Hruska, Chris Lacher, Dean Jue, Christie Koontz, Myke
Gluck, and Stuart Weibel
What Color was George Washington's White Horse? A Look at the Assumptions Underlying Digital Libraries
David M. Levy and Catherine C. Marshall
Digital Library as a Foundation for Decision Support Systems
Sulin Ba, Aimo Hinkkanen, and Andre B. Whinston
Viewing the U.S. Government Budget as a Digital Library
R. L. Grossman, A. Sundaram, H. Ramamoorthy, M. Wu, S. Hogan, J. Shuler, and
O. Wolfson
The Challenges to Designing Viable Digital Libraries
Michael Ribaudo, Colette Wagner, Michael Kress, and Bernard Rous
An Interoperable Architecture for Digital Information Repositories
S. Shen, R. Mukkamala, A. Wadaa, C. Zhang, H. Abdel-Wahab, K. Maly, A. Liu, and
M. Yuan
On the Use of Linguistic Ontologies for Accessing and Indexing Distributed Digital Libraries
Sujata Banerjee and Vibhu O. Mittal
Postions Statements
Providing Social Interaction in the Digital Library
Mark S. Ackerman
Data Retrieval and the Realities of Document Conversion
William B. Cavnar and Andrew M. Gillies
Multiple Standards? No problem
Mitchell N. Charity
Mixed-Media Access
Francine Chen, Marti Hearst, Julian Kupiec, Jan Pedersen, and Lynn Wilcox
Using Microcosm to Access Digital Libraries
Hugh Davis
The Electronic World and Central Queensland University
Judith Edwards
Librarians in the Digital Library
Mark England and Melissa Shaffer
Librarianship in the Digital Library
Kenneth Furuta
Spirit Guides of Cyberspace
Vickie L. Kline
The Princeton Video Library of Politics
Bede Liu, Wayne Wolf, Sanjeev Kulkarni, Andrew Wolfe, Hisashi Kobayashi, Fred
Greenstein, Ira Fuchs, Arding Hsu, Farshid Arman, and Yiqing Liang
User Agents in the Interface to Digital Libraries
J. Alfredo Sánchez
Translating Data to Knowledge in Digital Libraries
Gordon K. Springer and Timothy B. Patrick
Carnot Intelligent Agents and Digital Libraries
Darrell W. Woelk
Edited by:
- John L. Schnase
- John J. Leggett
- Richard K. Furuta
- Ted Metcalfe
Sponsored by:
- Texas A&M University, Hypermedia Research Laboratory
- Advanced Technology Group of the
- Washington University School of Medicine Library
- Southwestern Bell Technology Resources, Inc.
In cooperation with:
- American Society for Information Science (ASIS)
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
- The George Bush Presidential Library Foundation
- The Center for Presidential Studies, Texas A&M University
- Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Texas at Austin
- Missouri Botanical Garden
Additional printed copies of these proceedings may be ordered from:
- Hypermedia Research Laboratory
- Department of Computer Science
- Texas A&M University
- College Station, TX 77843-3112
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